Author: Emma Grayson
Genre: Contemporary
Hosted By: Francessca's Romance Reviews
Take It All (Blinded By Love #1)
Judy Garland said it best, For it was not into my ear you whispered but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed but my soul.
If you asked her why she loved him, she would tell you it was because he was who he was and, well, she was who she was.
Plain and simple.
All her life Lennox Ward felt incomplete. Her heart was always searching for that one special thing; that special someone she had yet to find.
Then Caleb Kingston came strolling back into her life unexpectedly, and little did she know her world was about to come crashing down around her, forever shattering it.
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I started 'Take it All' and it immediately sucked me in, I couldn't stop reading! ~ Goodreads Review
WOW!!! This book was not what I expected but I totally fell in love with the characters and storyline , it was real and dealt with real issues!!This wasn't some " cookie cutter " romance story, things got ugly and the truth freaking hurt ~ goodreads review
This is one of those stay up all night, finish in one sitting books. Take it All is a heartbreaking story of a love that can destroy you and it leaves you feeling you got hit by a semi... in a good and bad way. ~ Goodreads Review
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Promise It All (Blinded by Love #2)
Caleb Kingston’s addiction got the best of him and he left everything important behind; including the one person he loved more than anything.
Lennox is left to fight through her heartache and pain as well as the crushing confusion she feels in the aftermath of Caleb’s departure. She finds it difficult to move forward because he didn’t just leave her behind, he also left their son, AJ.
Realizing Caleb will never leave the life of addiction behind and return to her and AJ, Lennox makes the painful choice to finally put Caleb and their love behind her. But when Caleb returns in a shocking and unexpected way, he changes her game plan and makes her question what she truly wants.
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Friday, May 16th 2014
Present day
The room was empty and silent, except for the sound of Heather, the receptionist, typing away on the computer. Lennox looked at the time on her phone; she still had another fifteen minutes before it was her turn.
The office was old and dusty with a musky smell. She thought the place could use a good cleaning and possibly a new air freshener, preferably the scent of fresh linen. The chair she sat in was well worn with the padding torn and barely there as the wooden base under her was becoming uncomfortable.
Just like it did every single time she sat on it twice a week for the last five months, but this time wasn't anything like the times before.
Every time she came, she was prepared, she knew what she was going to say, she was ready to hold her emotions back, she was ready to put on a brave face and act as if everything was okay, that she was okay.
Not today.
Today she had no idea what to expect. For the first time she was going in completely blind and unprepared. She had no expectations, no words to express how she was feeling or what she was thinking, but worst of all she had no idea how she was going to control her emotions and put on a brave face and continue to act as if she was okay.
Lennox wasn't okay, she was far from okay.
Sitting in the god-awful chair, staring at the off white wall in front of her, she only had one word floating around in her head.
Superman's weakness.
Like him, everyone has a weakness. Everyone has something in their lives that no matter how hard they try to push it aside, they can't. They end up falling into its momentum until they're on the ground without the strength to get back up again and live.
Lennox had fallen into her Kryptonite more than once, but this time she had more than just herself to lose. She struggled with wondering if the direction she was heading was right, if it was worth it, and if it was what she truly wanted.
She had perspective. She'd thought about every outcome possible, and she had done so more than once—more than twice. She thought about it every single day for the past three months. She was unfocused with everything in her life, and consumed with the possible outcomes of her day.
She knew nothing would be solved at the end of her time, or in a day or week or even in a month. She knew it could take months until she finally had clarity, and the thought of that killed her. She wasn't the most patient person, but when it came to this specific topic she knew one thing for sure.
It was going to take time. It would also take work, patience, faith, hope, and most of all trust.
Trust… the hardest thing for her to give to anyone.
The chair next to Lennox suddenly wasn't empty anymore as Heather stood up from her desk. "He'll see you now," she said.
Lennox nodded and stood to her feet, pulling her purse over her shoulder. Today was the first time she wasn't going in alone. As they walked toward the mocha-colored door, Lennox laughed to herself as she thought about how it all started with a phone call.
A phone call she'd been waiting three years for. A phone call that changed everything.
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Emma Grayson is a Canadian author who resides outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with her family and seven year old son. She is Amazon’s Bestselling author of Unbeautifully Loved, the first book of the Breathe Again series, as well as it’s follow up, Unbearable Guilt. She is also the author of Take it All and Promise it All, a series inspired by real events of her life.
Emma is currently working on a new novel, Erase my Scars, the first of a new trilogy.
When Emma’s not writing she enjoys time with her son, coming up with new book plots, going to the movies, reading, enjoying time with family and friends, and watching rerun episodes of Criminal Minds and Sons of Anarchy. She loves to watch the food network, music of all kinds, coffee, all things purple, Oilers hockey, and doesn’t leave the house without her cell phone, Kobo, flip flops and a pack of gum.
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