Flow, the prequel to GRIP, by Kennedy Ryan is now live and TOTALLY FREE!
And GRIP, the riveting full-length conclusion, is LIVE!
ENTER THE GIVEAWAY on Kennedy's Page!

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2lKfZVt
Amazon Universal: myBook.to/GetAGrip
Check out the playlist on iTunes: http://apple.co/2lWI9ur
Check out the playlist on Spotify: http://bit.ly/2lWrHdS
Shel: This is the best thing Kennedy Ryan has written to date. Grip captivated me from the first word and held me captive until the very last period. This novel feels so important to me; the complexities of Bristol and Grip's relationship was one that struck me to the core. I've been in Bristol's shoes before and there were so many instances when both her and Grip's families and friends discussed/accused/assumed things having to do with her being white and him being black that felt exactly like conversations I've had in the past. The challenges that still seem to come up for people outside of the relationship when people date outside of their race are addressed in Grip and I found the way Ryan handled them to be honest and heartfelt. She shed light on conversations that don't have to be uncomfortable, she allowed her characters to have their say, to express their confusion, anger, frustration, and love. She shared experiences that many white people have never experienced (driving while black/ etc) or maybe haven't even thought about and she did so in a way that wasn't preachy or judgmental. She educated her characters and by doing so, maybe she'll show us all ways to have these conversations that lead to opening more hearts and minds. Court: I'm dead. Just, absolutely stick a fork in me...done. This book was by far my favorite book so far this year, and I've read some incredible ones. I have been waiting for a while for these two's story to come to us, and Kennedy Ryan you did not disappoint. The beauty of this book is beyond comprehension, and how much it is relevant is sad, but I think that people will learn something and be touched by this book as much as they are entertained...and isn't that why we read? Aaah! Beautiful prose, incredible characters, some insane scenes that made me want to just sit them in a room together and just say "Don't come out till you work it out...." I can't even really fully put into words what I'm feeling, but I do know that I could not put this book down. Bristol has been such a mystery, but now that we're able to really get to the bottom of her brain and dig around for a while, I relate to her in ways that I never thought possible. Being misunderstood by your family is hard, but I liked that this particular aspect of the book is included too...it helped, a lot.
Shel: As much as this is a novel that is about two people from different backgrounds trying to figure out if they can be together, it's just as much about trust and love. They've had 8 years to patch things up and to come up with all sorts of reasons why they should or shouldn't be together and it's watching these two who've started from the ground up in a business venture work their asses off to begin seeing success. It's watching them fall in love and fall apart over and over and over again for the first half of the novel. It's wanting to beg Bristol to bend a little, to quit being so relentless in her insistence that it won't work and just give him a chance. It's feeling so bad for Grip as he gets rejected again and again and trying to not be angry when he finally has had enough. I swear my heart was in my throat for the first half of this book and I wanted to give up on them so bad but then...THEN Kennedy Ryan had mercy on me and gave me the glimmers of hope that maybe something good could happen. Those moments of sweetness and love were worth every second of me wanting to hurt Bristol in the beginning. The way Kennedy pulled off the ending was superb. Court: YES! She was so sure. So sure she was doing what was best...and this poor beautiful, soulful man took it. And took it. And took it. Until I didn't now if either of us could take it anymore... Grip from the very beginning has been a core character that this series would have suffered without, and his background...his stories...his poetry...the songs...wow, Kennedy. Just wow. These two deserve getting to their happy ending, but I cannot say that you should rest easy. No way, we earn it. Every single tear I shed, y'all...was earned by these words. Kennedy Ryan is a masterful story teller, and this is as Shelley said her star achievement to date. I want to be her when I grow up, and cannot wait for what she does next because I know she is constantly working hard to push her career to new heights, and honestly from what I can see....no one deserves success more than she does! I'm so glad to have read this one, and want y'all to pick it up right now!
Shel: Last but never least in this novel is the poetry. I have a thing for it and I love that Kennedy used it referenced it, CREATED IT, and had Grip use it as a basis for what he did. "Bruise" ----- OH MY GOSH. I wish that was a real song! And "Top of the World" Also. Just dead. Drag me home, and leave me in peace with this book, y'all. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this book, Kennedy. Much love to you!

Resisting an irresistible force wears you down and turns you out.
I know.
I’ve been doing it for years.
I may not have a musical gift of my own, but I’ve got a nose for talent and an eye for the extraordinary.
And Marlon James – Grip to his fans – is nothing short of extraordinary.
Years ago, we strung together a few magical nights, but I keep those memories in a locked drawer and I’ve thrown away the key.
All that’s left is friendship and work.
He’s on the verge of unimaginable fame, all his dreams poised to come true.
I manage his career, but I can’t seem to manage my heart.
It’s wild, reckless, disobedient.
And it remembers all the things I want to forget.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lAhSSC
iBooks: http://apple.co/2mkAG88
Nook: http://bit.ly/2lNxZyo
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2lvKqOQ
Available on WATTPAD: http://w.tt/2kUo8Yk

In 8 years, Marlon James will be one of the brightest rising stars in the music industry.
Bristol Gray will be his tough, no-nonsense manager.
But when they first meet, she’s a college student finding her way in the world,
and he’s an artist determined to make his way in it.
From completely different worlds,
all the things that should separate them only draw them closer.
It’s a beautiful beginning, but where will the story end?
Shel: This prequel finally gets us in the heads of Bristol and Grip--the two characters who have intrigued me since Kai and Rhyson's books. I knew there had to be something more to their story and that's exactly what we get here. We get to see the roots of their relationship --where it went right and where it went terribly wrong. We also get to know each of these characters in full technicolor: their fears, their hurts, their dreams and hopes, their pasts and then we get to see the very beginning of something that could be so special. It's the very ending that sets up for the present day Bristol and Grip we know through Kai and Rhyson and why they have the most intense sexual/romantic tension ever. Court: Thank you, thank you, thank you Kennedy for this novella. It is an integral part of putting the pieces together for this story, and just the fact that I always love more pages about characters I love...well...thank you! This prequel is perfect, and since Kennedy Ryan so kindly has it available for you for free...well, there is no reason whatsoever that you shouldn't pick it up! It is a beautiful start to characters that also have intrigued me for how many books now? And finally, finally they have their own book now to give us all of the deets! And I cannot tell you how much more I got from this amazing story. Read it, immediately!
FLOW is the prequel chronicling the week of magical days and nights
that will haunt Grip & Bristol for years to come.
GRIP is the full-length conclusion of their story available NOW here: http://kennedyryanwrites.com/grip/
About the Author:
Kennedy loves to write about herself in third person. She loves Diet Coke…though she’s always trying to quit. She adores her husband…who she’ll never quit. She loves her son, who is the most special boy on the planet. And she’s devoted to supporting and serving families living with Autism.
And she writes love stories!
For updates, new releases, giveaways and other adventures, subscribe to her newsletter: https://app.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/j9u8i3
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