Monday, June 6, 2016

REVIEW + GIVEAWAY + EXCERPT: All the Rage by T.M. Frazier

Are you ready to meet Rage?
Now is your chance!
All The Rage by T.M. Frazier is LIVE!


Are you ready to meet Rage?
Now is your chance!
All The Rage by T.M. Frazier is LIVE!

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Shel: T.M. Frazier's books are so freaking addictive. Once I start one I cannot, for the life of me, put it down until I finished it. All the Rage is a prime example of this. The minute I met Rage in Soulless I knew I had to know more and thankfully T.M. Frazier had mercy on us all and gave Rage a book. Court: Yep. She a little cray cray in a very interesting way, so I wanted to know more about her immediately. And just holy wowza, y'all. This book!

Shel: Rage is exactly as fierce and as hardcore as I wanted her to be. She's a badass bitch and I absolutely love when we get heroines who are so far from the 'norm' that they're antiheroines-- and I think Rage qualifies. She's ruthless and funny and somehow, interestingly, she's also caring and has a huge heart buried under all that rage. She's such an odd assortment of characteristics; I swear she shouldn't work as a character but T.M. Frazier makes her not only work, she's created a Rage who is mesmerizing. Seriously. I think I could read an entire book about her childhood and early teen years and be completely interested (and how many times can you say that about a main character these days?!). Not only was Rage's story so interesting, Frazier throws in Nolan and I must admit with the introduction of Nolan, I couldn't take my eyes off of what I thought would be a train wreck. Little did I know what I'd be watching was twin flames that managed to stoke each other into a roaring fire--these two were HOT together and impossible to take my eyes off of. Their secrets and lies and backstories and 'courtship' (LOL--that's the funniest thing I've ever thought of in terms of Rage and Nolan) had me unable to stop reading until I got to the end. Speaking of the ending--those last chapters were W-H-O-A. Wow. I feel like there should be a trigger warning for one particular part (though if you're reading this series, you know it's no cake walk) and some of the things Smoke reveals were unexpected and INTENSE. I feel like I could use a few more chapters at the end because I'm still reeling and I would love to know how in the hell these two are doing; I truly wasn't ready for it to end. Court: I think we saw that she had more than she thought she had to offer when we met her in Lawless. And I really liked how we saw a little bit of an intertwine on the timeline of our previous books, so I knew where these characters fit in. Whoa Nolan. I am so glad there was even more under his goody-two-shoes-golden-boy exterior because that definitely wouldn't fit in to how our hero or antihero's have played out thus far (hello, King and Bear). I immensely enjoyed the way they "met" and her thoughts and decision making and how honest she was...almost all of the time...The build up and mystery of will-they-or-won't-they-can-they-just-damn-it...I was having a lot of thoughts. But, I can always count on T.M. Frazier to suck me in and get me out of whatever this book funk is that I've been in, and I am so thankful. I thought something was wrong with ME there for a bit. This is a quick, and in your face story, like always...and it will punch you in the face and then kiss it better. Just like a sour patch kid.

Shel: This is a super quick read--it's not loaded with the intricacies of their lives but instead lives in these moments where Nolan and Rage get to know each other, where one runs from the other, and where we watch embrace the inevitability of where their lives will take them. Court: That know the one I'm talking about Shel. I never saw that coming. And wow...I never thought this woman would be able to surprise me ever again, and low and behold...there she went and did it again. I like my thoughts and predictions being blown to smithereens, so that was pretty epic.

Shel: This world that T.M. Frazier has built is so much fun to inhabit. It has enough realism to make it something we can all relate to but is so far removed from many of our daily routines that it makes it an intriguing fantasy world to fall into. I feel like there's more to this world that we've yet to see and I cannot wait to see where she takes us next. Court: I couldn't have said it better myself. I don't want to spoil where I hope we're going next, in case there are a few just joining in and haven't gotten to know King and Bear previously, but that is where I hope the story goes next! and in all honesty...I like how much the future MC's seem to be blood, new relationships, and new shenanigans...I can't wait. Just sorry that it is over! And want to re-read again!

Want to know more? Read below:


They call me Rage.
My real name is like a shadow, always close behind, but never quite able to catch up.
I fly under the radar because no one ever suspects I’m capable of the kind of brutal violence I commit each and every day.
You see, I’m a girl. I’m nineteen.
And I'm a killer.
This life is all I know. It's all I want to know. It keeps the s**t buried that I need kept buried. It allows me to live without thinking too much.
Without dwelling on the past.
Until him.
It all changes when an ordinary boy becomes my next target.
And my first love.
I have to choose.
The only life I've ever known has to die, or he does.
Either way, I'll be the one pulling the trigger...

All the Rage is a STANDALONE

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It was once said that if you love someone enough you should let them go.  If they come back to you, they were always meant to be yours.  
It's kind of bullshit.
My story was a little different than most.  I was a little different than most.  
Because in my story, if you love someone enough, you should first drop the gun.  

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About the Author

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T.M. (Tracey Marie) Frazier resides in sunny Southwest Florida with her husband and three feisty fur kids.

She attended Florida Gulf Coast University where she specialized in public speaking. After years working in real estate and new home construction, she decided it was finally time to stop pushing her dreams to the back burner and pursue writing seriously.

In the third grade she wrote her very first story about a lost hamster. It earned rave reviews from both her teacher and her parents.

It only took her twenty years to start the next one.
It will not be about hamsters.

Stalk Her: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Goodreads.

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