Monday, December 7, 2015

REVIEW: Midnight Mass by Sierra Simone


Release Day: December 8, 2015
  We are told that God will punish the wicked. That sinful men will reap what they sow. We are told to scourge our souls with prayer and pain to become clean once again. Well, here I am. Wicked and sinful. Desperate to become clean…even though it feels so good to be dirty. But even I never expected what came next. Even I never expected my punishment to come so soon.

 ***Midnight Mass is a novella and a sequel to Priest. It’s intended for mature audiences only.***

Kindle Edition, 128 pages
Published December 8th 2015
Source: Author
Purchase a Copy: Goodreads | Amazon


Shel: god. How did I forget how freaking delicious Tyler Bell is? So hot. So damn hot. Court: Right? Dirty boy with such a guilty conscience. Whew.

Shel: Within pages I was reminded of just how sexy that former priest is and what a lucky girl Poppy is...never a dull moment in their bedroom, I'm thinking. Court: Like I said...dirty boy, guilty conscience, steaming up every single page with even his thoughts. Count us in. 

Shel: Interestingly, once I put my Kindle in the freezer due to the almost thermonuclear meltdown of sexiness, I got to the part where I really DIDNOTLIKE Tyler. *gasp* I know. I KNOW. It seems like blasphemy to even say it but I seriously wanted to grab his neck and shake until his head became dislodged from his ass...because seriously, his head had to be in his asshole to be so blind to how jerkish he was being--always putting her off, being irrational and then justifying it, etc, etc. His jackassness was reaching epic proportions and Poppy was being so much nicer than I would ever be and then she snapped (thank god!). Court: OH MY. And I thought after everything they had been through that they would just tiptoe through the tulips I guess, but I did like this reminder that they're human...and even though he used to be a man of the cloth...he's still human, and selfish, and conflicted, and really just a great character for storytelling...because oh my goodness did I want to throttle him too....soooooo many times.

Shel: The aftermath created some uncomfortable days for Tyler (completely deserved, IMO) and with some unexpected news, Poppy and Tyler must decide if and how to move forward. Court: And the hits just kept on coming, but I liked how he finally figured out that HE was the one with the problems most of all, and he had to give her time to sort herself out.

Shel: I very much appreciated the last part of Tyler and Poppy's story and especially appreciated the author's note at the end. Thank you, Sierra Simone, for giving us this continuation of their story..and especially for sharing a little of you with us. Court: So much thanks, and that it was a realistic continuation and not all hearts and flowers and happiness....we're not all that sappy around here (ok, I mostly am) so we always appreciate when our couples have a bit of grit to get what they want.

Shel: I think you guys are going to love this novella. It's definitely sexy but is so much more than that. Court: Honestly, it was a huge surprise for me. The novel was so complete I wasn't sure I was ready for more from these two...I'm very glad to have read it. Check out this series, beginning with Priest. It's one helluva steamy ride.

Happy reading~

ONE WINNER - HUGE PAPERBACK GIVEAWAY!! Signed paperbacks of Priest, Midnight Mass, Markham Hall Series and The London Lovers Duet by Sierra Simone, Free Me by Laurelin Paige, Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow and Miss Match by Kayti McGee
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About the Author
Sierra Simone is a former librarian who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk. She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City.
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