Shel: As you may recall, when I completed The Darkest Sunrise I was D.Y.I.N.G. because that ending was wow: Court: Heard that...wow, is right.
Shel: So, of course, when The Brightest Sunset was made available to read I DID NOT HESITATE to jump right into reading it. In my brashness to see what was happening with these characters I made one fatal error--I did not mentally prepare for the wall of emotion I was about to hit, and boy did I hit it. And then I hit it again and again and again. The Brightest Sunset picks up in the scene that ends The Darkest Sunrise and it's just as emotional, if not more, in book 2 as it was in book 1 (especially because then we get into the aftermath). As a matter of fact, now that I'm thinking about it, I think book 2 is more emotional than book 1 and that's saying a lot because book 1 was filled with scenes that tugged at my heart or made me smile. The Brightest Sunset had me crazy with angst; poor Court had to deal with this via text last night: Court: IT IS! Because we're getting to know our characters in book one, and I love how Aly sets this up. She gives us so much about each person, and we're chewing on it, and deciding what we think...then blam! Shit gets real. It hits the fan. And we're left with a WHOLE new book to really get to the nitty gritty of whatever is going on...I love that all avenues can get fleshed out this way. We have a beautiful story arc and enough pages to get what we want out of it and be wanting more only because Aly's writing is so good, and not because the story wasn't complete.
Shel: OMG. The 2nd Aly Martinez book is trying to kill me.
Court: I'm sure! She's so good at that.
Shel: I'm about to start pacing like I'm watching the Saints in the playoffs. If she doesn't give me a break...
Court: Lmao!
Shel: I keep putting it down and grabbing it back because I CANNOT handle it.
Shel: FML
Court: Lol!!! No sleep til Brooklyn for you.
Shel: No joke!
And then this morning, after I finished it at late o'clock last night:
Shel: I've got a huge book hangover thanks to Aly Martinez.
Shel: These texts do not lie. I seriously was pacing and throwing down my Kindle only to pick it right back up because I couldn't handle what was happening or about to happen but I had to know what the hell was going on. Court: She made me absolutely speed read this book because in turn I too had to know immediately what was happening! And did breathe a lot like that.
Shel: Just as I was reaching peak anxiety levels, Aly Martinez had mercy on me and I was able to begin to breathe again and smile again and feel all warm and fuzzy and then Ka-Blam! She hit me again with another case of major feels. GDI!!! Dude. Once again my heart was pounding and I was frantically reading to see if what I thought was happening was happening--the pages could not turn fast enough. (P.S. Brady, you are such a turd. Why are you such an asshat?!!!). And then she finally relented and gave me an ending that was so sweet and tugged at my heartstrings--it was one of those smiling while crying moments. Court: Ugh. There were a lot of times that certain characters made me want to smack them, then love them, hug them...high five them (especially her momma) and ugh, this was soooo gooooood! I say that a lot, but y'all. Beautiful book. Beautiful duo, and I absolutely could not get enough of the characters. The premise was intense, and I really had no idea where the story might go and that is a beautiful thing!
Shel: The moral of this story is that Aly Martinez knows how to pack an emotional punch and she will not hesitate to knock you out with it. She'll hit you with the sads, the happys, and the laughies and I'm telling you once you start this duet you will not be able to stop. The story of Charlotte and Porter and all of the people impacted by the disappearance of Lucas is one that will grab your attention quickly and you won't be able to put it down until you're finished (so block out some time to read uninterrupted so you don't have to yell at people when they are trying to do things like talk to you). Grab this duet and enjoy! Court: I really second this idea. Buy the books. Make time to read them, and then literally get sucked into the wormhole of Aly Martinez writing world because we have literally loved and devoured EVERY SINGLE ONE we have read. Immediately. It's like we have Aly-itis, and you should officially be diagnosed...A Great read, and I'm so glad to have read it.
The Brightest Sunset (The Darkest Sunrise Duet, #2)
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Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.
Words destroyed me.
“I’m sorry. She didn’t make it.”
“Daddy, he can’t breathe!”
“There’s nothing more we can do for your son.”
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.
Those syllables and letters became my executioner. I told myself that, if I didn’t acknowledge the pain and the fear, they would have no power over me. But, as the years passed, the hate and the anger left behind began to control me.
Two words—that was all it took to plunge my life into darkness.
“He’s gone.”
In the end, it was four soft, silky words that gave me hope of another sunrise.
“Hi. I’m Charlotte Mills.”


The Darkest Sunrise (The Darkest Sunrise Duet, #1)
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You won't want to miss this amazing series!

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