From New York Times Bestselling author Kristen Ashley, comes ROCK CHICK REAWAKENING, the long awaited story of Daisy and Marcus, brought to you by 1,001 Dark Nights! Be sure you grab your copy today!
Shel: Who knew I'd fall in love with a man involved in questionable business dealings and a woman who was Dolly Parton's younger twin? Kristen Ashley knew, of course! Court: Hah! Yep, Daisy and Marcus have been the bomb for a long time, and I am so glad that we get to see how they got together!
Here's the basic run down of my reading:
It started with seeing the ARC on my Kindle:
Shel: Then, I got to know Daisy a little better and I freaking love her. She's truly a steel magnolia. She powered through everything thrown at her with strength and dignity and grace. I loved her confidence, her sense of self, her laugh that sounded like tinkly bells, her heart..her everything. I was mesmerized by her: Court: I think we could all use a little bit of channeling Daisy!
Shel: I couldn't look away--not from her story and not from Marcus. I don't know about y'all but I've been intrigued by Marcus since the first time he entered the Rock Chick scene. He's been this fixture in the background--always a source of strength, stability, and silence. We finally got to know him and OMG. OMG. OMG. I am in love with him. Court: YES! He may've been part of the underbelly of our world in Denver, but definitely always a source of what probably should be done if that were to be your chosen profession. And he's sweet. And kind. And so. dang. romantic. I die.
Shel: Y'all. He was so EVERYTHING. Sweet, tender, honest, funny, smart, loving....and his backstory.
GAHHHHH. If I didn't love him so much for Daisy, I'd be plotting ways to dive into the words on the page and make him mine. (I mean...how amazing would it be to be one of KA's heroines?!!--the focus of all those friendships and alpha-love? Yes. Please.). Court: Amen, to that sister.
Shel: For all of you Rock Chick fans, I think you're going to find that this latest Rock Chick story was everything you'd want it to be. The strong heroine, the alpha male, the emotional journey to get to the HEA, the funny dialogue and characters, the love...it was really perfect and while this could be the end of the Rock Chicks stories, of course, I'm already hoping to get more before it's all said and done. But if this is all we'll ever have, it's nice to know that they all lived happily ever after. Court: It was hard to find out some of the things that Daisy had been through, but then again that just made us love her all the more. She remained strong, and true to herself every single step of the way and really deserved her happy ending....and that makes us so, so, so happy!
Shel: Thank you, Kristen Ashley, for always giving us the stories we need, even when we didn't know we needed them. Court: Yes, I am so thankful for her and teaming up with 1001 Dark Nights to give us this...I die!

Her face was stunning. Wide smile. White teeth and a good deal of them. Big eyes. Elegant nose. Soft cheekbones. All of this she highlighted with the expert use of makeup from what was clearly a gift of superior genes into something that shone like a Hollywood starlet.
A starlet of a stripper who looked a good deal like Dolly Parton, who also likely got home the night before, earliest, three in the morning, and was right then, only hours later, back on the stage helping another girl by teaching her some moves.
“Marcus, brother,” Smithie’s voice came at him. “You got a problem with the way I do business, and I give you reason to have that problem, then we have a talk. I don’t give you that reason, we don’t have conversations like this one. That’s our deal.”
Marcus listened to him while he watched Daisy talking to the other girl and then she ran across the stage, doing it gracefully in platform sandals, her stone-washed jeans tight on her ass and hips and all the way down her legs. Still, after she ran the four steps, she launched herself high, grabbing on to the pole at least three feet higher than she was, her body swinging around by just her hands.
When the swing ended, she climbed up the pole, hand over hand. Doing this quickly, taking herself up another four feet, she flipped her bottom half over, wrapping her skinny legs around the pole. She dropped back, her hair flowing down, and with her only hold on the pole being her legs, she arched her back and slid down slowly, somehow circling the pole as she did it.
She ended this doing a layout with her hands on the floor, her legs in slow and controlled movements coming over her head one after the other. Her hands pushing off, she was up.
Standing straight with perfect posture.

Direct Link: https://video214.com/play/WNx2mKBbgjZWmY0hWUnX0g/s/dark
A Message from Kristen:
Dear Reader,
I’m beside myself with glee that this prequel to my Rock Chick series has been unleashed! There was some time when I never thought I’d write it. When I couldn’t be in that terrible place with Daisy. But I’m oh-so glad that she called to me, demanding her story be told so she could give it to me and now I can give it to you! I loved every moment spent with Daisy and Marcus. And I hope you do too!
~Kristen Ashley

From New York Times bestselling author, Kristen Ashley, comes the long-awaited story of Daisy and Marcus, Rock Chick Reawakening. A prequel to Kristen’s Rock Chick series, Rock Chick Reawakening shares the tale of the devastating event that nearly broke Daisy, an event that set Marcus Sloan—one of Denver’s most respected businessmen and one of the Denver underground’s most feared crime bosses—into finally making his move to win the heart of the woman who stole his.
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Praise for Kristen Ashley and ROCK CHICK REAWAKENING:
"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FREAKING LOVED IT!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVED IT!!! This was pure Old School Vintage KA GOLD!!!"
~Aestas Book Blog
"This novella is like the key to all the locked doors in this series."
~Angie's Dreamy Reads
"We inhaled Marcus and Daisy’s story, how could we not. It was everything to us and we cannot thank Kristen Ashley enough for writing it, in her much loved unique manner. The queen of epilogues struck once more and we smiled through copious tears of happiness, our hearts feeling full and complete. Whilst sad that it’s over we just can’t feel anything but happiness and love right now. It was Aces! Rock on…and be prepared to be swept of off your feet."
~Totally Booked Blog
"[Kristen] Ashley captivates."
~Publisher's Weekly
"There is something about them [Ashley's books] that I find crackalicious."
~DearAuthor.com,Kati Brown
"I felt all of the rushes, the adrenaline surges, the anger spikes... my heart pumping in fury. My eyes tearing up when my heart (I mean... her heart) would break."
~Maryse's Book Blog


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