Would you be willing to make a mess of your life to get exactly what you want?
Kylie Lord has known Trent Moss and Dray Savage since college. Trent, the smart and kind-hearted humanitarian has had her heart from the moment they met, but someone else always has his. Dray is an arrogant professional football player who happens to be Trent’s best friend and Kylie’s nemesis “with benefits.”
Five years after graduation, Kylie is commanding the world with a new image and a successful business; however, she lacks the one thing she wants and the one thing she can never have. That is, until one fateful night when Kylie decides to go after all of her forbidden fantasies and risk everything.
Two men, completely different and poles apart, but together they are her idea of perfection. One can only offer her tonight and the other forever, but can Kylie settle for just one man, or can she have her cake and eat it too?

Our Review---
Cake. Let her eat cake. Immediately brought to mind I think of the phrase "Have your cake, and eat it too." So that should tell a lot just out of the gate. Having read about certain brothers with the name of Walker recently, I really didn't know WHAT direction that could go, but we were definitely intrigued by the idea of Kylie being best friends with two guys from college, and possibly being with one or both of them.
To get it out of the way, the beginning was kind of rough. There was a lot of information to be given to get the story going, so it was understandable on one hand, and meh, on the other. The writing smooths out quickly enough, because it is a very quick read. (Shel, what did you think about pace, because I might be the wrong one to ask about that?) I thought after the initial set up of information, the novel flies. Time moves in weeks and months and moves the action along quite rapidly.
Kylie, Trent and Dray (I freaking loved the name Dray) are friends from their Freshman year of college. Kylie has loved Trent from afar for over seven years, so it was painful for her to rehash that because we're complete cynics. We wanted her to give up on him early because how many times do ya want to be kicked when you're down girl! She had a lot of growth to do. A lot! And be happy to know that you get it. Even if I was seriously prepared to throw my device across the room to endure it. Yeah I had many palm to face smacks with Kylie. I mean. How long you gonna waste your life for someone who just uses you..in the nicest possible way but, really, just uses you. Thank goodness she had Madison there to speak some truth (although sometimes her logic was a little screwy).
I, and I know Shel did too, had a lot of emotions to contend with during the reading of this book. I felt giggly and happy and laughed a lot in the beginning to middle. There are lots of funny one liners in this one. I love a book that makes me laugh! Needed a fan for a large portion, because there are some smoking hot scenes...and a lot of rage and anger about each character's behavior and motivation even if they made complete sense. Yep, yep, and yep. Hot scenes and lots of anger about some dumbass foolishness!
In all of that, I did really like the story. I like (now...then, not so much) the emotions that it provoked, and the fact that Shel and I have now exchanged phrases like Penis Genius in our bizarre whacko conversations. Fun times had by all, and I really would like to know if there is going to be another book (not about these people, Thank God, this story resolved itself beautifully...though each person will decide for themselves if that is a good or bad beautiful) about Kylie's best friend Madison and who she ends up with! Need to know this information! Ditto!
Courtney: 4 Stars
Shelley: 4 Stars
Shelley: 4 Stars
“Do you feel that, Kylie?” He continues to caress my arm with his hand. “That’s power running between you and me. I never imagined it would be so strong, so intense. Can you even conceive what my body rubbing against yours well feel like? Please unlike either one of us has ever experienced. Sex in its greatest form.”
His words hypnotize me, seduce me, and demolish my inhibitions so that even my common sense agrees with what he is saying. I’ve never wanted sex as much as I want it with Dray at this moment. In my head, I can see images of us entwined together, his dark against my light skin. The sight, in my mind’s eye, so clear, so erotic, that my breathing becomes erratic just with the thought. Closing my eyes, I feel his fingers glide to my breasts, circling the tip through my clothes. My clit throbs in tune with his movements almost as if he is touching me there. Dray grasps my nipple tightly as he pulls and squeezes. The dual motion overwhelms my senses, and an orgasm overcomes me, rippling up and through my body. Clenching my legs together, I moan as I ride it out. My body shakes, tingling with the aftermath of what just happened, and what I need to be happening again; however, sanity returns with me still sitting on the side of the couch. Opening my eyes, Dray stares at me like he knows my every thought. At least now, he has a supreme satisfied smile on his mouth and his shorts are in a superior tent out front.
“Damn girl. That is about the hottest sight I’ve ever seen. Had you been butt-naked, I think I would have exploded right along with you.”
I love angst….I thrive on it, but only the fictional kind. I adore a story that grips the reader from the beginning and doesn’t let go…EVER. I’m an avid reader who just recently discovered my love of writing. My favorite things in life include my three wild & crazy kids, Reese’s Pieces, and every genre of music. I reside in the Deep South.
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