Monday, January 13, 2025

REVIEW: Let's Call a Truce by Amy Buchanan



Let's Call a Truce was a happy surprise. It's not often these days that I get to read a brand spanking new author's work and it's rarer that I enjoy it as much as I enjoyed this one. I really enjoyed how much fun it was reading Juliana and Ben's bickering and their ultimate capitulation into the romance fueled, initially, by all of their sexual tension. As we get to know them both, we discover their histories that make it difficult to move forward, which only serves to make us want them together even that much more. I enjoyed how much their lives overlapped and what an obviously good pair they made. I enjoyed their banter, the secondary characters, and even the yucky stuff that had to happen in order for them to realize that they needed to be together. My only complaint, a minor one, was that the build up to their getting together sometimes seemed a little repetitive or maybe I was just impatient for them to get to the good stuff? Ultimately, though, I was very happy with how it all played out and it was a solid 4 star read for me. 



LET’S CALL A TRUCE is a sexy contemporary romance about second chances at life and love, bursting with humor and a touch of angst from debut author, Amy Buchanan.

After Juliana Ryan's husband dies unexpectedly, leaving her with two grieving kids and a stunted career from years as a stay-at-home mom, she has no choice but to make it work all on her own. But her confidence crashes around her when[AB1] she overhears her condescending but infuriatingly attractive new colleague, Ben Thomas, talking about how her kids and inexperience are a liability the company can’t afford. This sets off a feud between the two, as Juliana vows to prove him wrong.

Two years later, their feud rages on, but it may be charged with something they aren't willing to admit. When they are forced onto a career-making project together, Juliana has no choice but to call a truce. As their lives become more intertwined in and out of the office, Juliana finds it hard to ignore Ben’s perpetual smile and charming determination. What started as a truce grows into more, as boardroom-clearing arguments turn to desk-clearing kisses. Could the man she deemed her nemesis understand her life–her stress and responsibilities–better than anyone?

But just when Juliana decides to open her heart again, Ben’s past threatens their newfound bliss, and she has to figure out whether this second chance at love is worth it after all.

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