Friday, April 10, 2020

Review: Kiss the Sky by Krista and Becca Ritchie


Shel: The problem with reading any book in the Addicted series is that once you finish it, you immediately want to pick up the next one; I seriously need to remember this for next time so that I'll make more time to read more books.

In this installment, we get into the inner workings of Rose and Connor and these two are very interesting. I like that we get to know what's going on in Connor's head because he's been such a mystery up to this point---and he's seriously like this super great guy, albeit a bit arrogant, but still all in all a really good person. And, I like that we get to see that while Rose owns her bitchy behavior, what we really see is that she is loyal and loving underneath her hard exterior. 

We get to know all of this stuff while all of the six main characters in this series undergo an extremely stressful living situation-- being filmed for a reality tv show; I was stressed FOR them as I read the different awful things that kept happening(FUCKING DOUCHE, SCOTT!! and Rose and Connor's mothers, and JULIAN...gahhhhhh). To their credit, though, all six of these characters held strong and didn't let the bad things get them down. What's intriguing to me about this whole scenario is the reason behind it--to salvage the name and brand of Rose and Lo's families. I'll admit that I was a smidge not cool with this idea (like I have a choice, hahaha) because it felt a little self serving for Rose and super stressful for the two people who had already lost so much (Lily and Lo). But, Rose does discuss her reasons for it and I suppose the strength to endure it, showed them that they could.

Before I end this and tell you that you should definitely buy it, I will say that there a few times that the pieces and parts of the characters felt a little disjointed or maybe I wasn't always sure what the motivation for an action was and it threw me a little. BUT!, this was something that I'd ponder for a moment and then I'd plunge right back in because the story was interesting and I wanted to see what the hell Scott was up to. I think, so far, this is my favorite book in the series and I highly recommend it. I read it during a work week in less than 24 hours!

And I just had to come back and say...that Connor, he's super sneaky the way he wormed his way into my heart, same with Rose. Those two are people I'd want in my life. Thank you TwinPens for writing these two. Love them!

NOTE: this was written many years ago and got stuffed in a drafts folder and is only now seeing the light of day. 


A virgin "ice queen" heiress & The arrogant god who wants to melt her 

Rose Calloway thought she had everything under control. At twenty-three, she's a Princeton graduate, an Academic Bowl champion, a fashion designer and the daughter of a Fortune 500 mogul. But with a sex addict as a sister and roommate, nothing comes easy. 
When Rose's fashion line is in peril, she plans an unconventional solution to save it. Making matters more intense, she agreed to be in a real relationship with her "godly" college rival.
And now they're living together.
​For the first time.
At twenty-four, Connor Cobalt bulldozes weak men. Confident and smart-as-hell, Connor vows to help Rose outside of the bedroom and inside. But melting this ice queen is a challenge no one has been able to win. 

This Romance can be described as Friends meets The Real World. Expect fist fights, sex of varying degrees, crude humor and competitive alpha males. Definitely for mature audiences only.

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