RUIN (Slay #2) by Laurelin Paige Release Date: October 29th
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In Slay we had a lot of action and plot and a wicked cliffhanger which had us eager for Ruin.
Ruin picked up right where Slay left off and while it had action and plot, I found it to be more character driven. We got to get into the head of Celia and get to understand more about what made her tick. The slower pace of this novel also allowed for her character development and internal struggles to be revealed in a way that felt true to the character we’d come to know. I found that rather than find her despicable and shallow, she had a lot more depth and a lot more sympathetic than I would’ve imagined. By the end of this novel, I was rooting for her and Edward and am curious and hopeful for what will happen next.
Speaking of Edward, I also found him to be less of a dick than I originally thought. He still did dickish things but as we got more insight into him, I felt like I understood him more. I still have many questions but Ruin was a book that left me with more answers than questions. Some of the holes in their backstories were filled in and I’m interested in seeing how and where the last two books in this series will take us.
I loved the direction Celia and Edward’s relationship is going and how they seem like a team now and I can’t help but wonder what craziness Laurelin will out in their path...what obstacles and challenges she’ll have them face before she gives them their HEA. Knowing we still have two books to go, I feel like this next book is going to be a doozy and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/35IBXNg
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/SlayRuin
Apple Books: https://laurl.in/SlayRuinApple
Google Play: https://laurl.in/SlayRuinGP

Blurb: With her heart literally in his hands, Celia will have to try and bargain with a devil.
Edward Fasbender is my captor.
Trapped on this island he owns everything on--including, it seems, me.
He told me he would break me, but I thought he meant in the bedroom. It turns out Edward is playing a completely different game.
And he won't stop until he's ruined me.
Slay Two: Ruin is the second book in the Slay Quartet. Slay One: Rivalry should be read first.

Excerpt: Yes, she was calculating and manipulative, and she was very spoiled about getting her way, but that was all surface. She was an onion. There were layers and layers underneath, parts of her that she held away. Parts she showed no one. For whatever reason, I’d caught sight of what she kept hidden, whether she’d meant for that to happen or not, I couldn’t be sure. Regardless, I was captivated. There was so much to see there, so much to take down. So much of her to know and own and destroy and redesign, and like an old habit, I couldn’t break away.
She was an addiction, and I wanted to feed on it. She wasn’t supposed to be like that.
She wasn’t supposed to want to bend to my whims. She wasn’t supposed to open up and give what I asked for. She wasn’t supposed to be so eager to take what I gave her. She certainly wasn’t supposed to see past my own curtain, wasn’t supposed to ask to see more.
I’m here for this, she’d said.

About the Author With millions of books sold worldwide, Laurelin Paige is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author. She is a sucker for a good romance and gets giddy anytime there’s kissing, much to the embarrassment of her three daughters. Her husband doesn’t seem to complain, however.
When she isn’t reading or writing sexy stories, she’s probably singing, watching Game of Thrones or Letterkenny, or dreaming of Michael Fassbender. She's also a proud member of Mensa International though she doesn't do anything with the organization except use it as material for her bio.
She is represented by Rebecca Friedman.

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