Monday, October 23, 2023

REVIEW: Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey



Unfortunately Yours is the second book in the Vine Mess Series. It follows the story of Natalie (Julien's sister from book 1) and August. If you read the first book, you might remember Natalie and August's initial meeting and it wasn't a great look for either of them, really. He came on too strong and she took offense. There was a scene...a that made an impression on the people of Napa Valley. Fast forward a few months and they're married?! It seemed unbelievable, based on their last public interaction but they quickly show the town that they're serious...or seem to be. From behind the scenes, we get to see the machinations that bring them together. We get to see their initial plotting and planning and they whys. We also get to see how madly in love they are. As much as they resist it, they cannot seem to make the fake marriage fake. 

While the vast majority of this novel focuses on their antagonist relationship, there's a nice bit of space devoted how they're made--what makes them who they are and why they are. We get to see them put their armor down and begin to trust each other, to tell their stories, and to find the person they can trust to be there. We get to see Natalie open up and flourish and we get to see August become even more of who we've come to love--a huge teddy bear: sweet, kind, loving, and protective.

Really loved this one. Loved the evolution of them as individuals but especially loved to see their evolution as partners.



#1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey is back in Napa Valley with this hilarious rom-com about a down-on-her-luck heiress who suggests a mutually beneficial marriage of convenience to a man she can’t stand... only to discover there’s a fine line between love and hate.

After losing her job and her fiancé in one fell swoop, Natalie Vos returned home to lick her wounds. A few months later, she’s sufficiently drowned her sorrows in cabernet and she’s ready to get back on her feet. She just needs her trust fund to finance her new business venture. Unfortunately, the terms require she marry before she can have the money. And well, dumped, remember?

But Natalie is desperate enough to propose to a man who makes her want to kill him—and kiss him, in equal measure. 

August Cates may own a vineyard, but he doesn’t know jack about making wine. He’s determined to do his late best friend proud, no matter what it takes. Except his tasting room is empty, his wine is disgusting (seriously, he once saw someone gag), and his buddy’s legacy is circling the drain. No bank will give him the loan he needs to turn the business around... and then the gorgeous, feisty heiress knocks on his door.

Natalie has haunted August's dreams since the moment they met, but their sizzling chemistry immediately morphed into simmering insults. Now, a quickie marriage could help them both. A sham wedding, a few weeks living under the same roof, and then they can go their separate ways—assuming they make it out alive. How hard could it be?

There’s just one thing they didn’t account for: their unfortunate, unbearable, undeniable attraction.

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